No writing today. Three hours of trekking through the bush was fun and was fascinating. I came home to look up exactly what a bandicoot looks like! (in case I see a live one) And I did stop off in a local cafe for lunch and sat quietly, working on my current rewrite. And I resisted entering the new local bookshop across the street - but I can recommend it. Red Door Books in Lancefield. Don't miss it if you're up that way! But after staying up until 11pm last night to finish The Off Season, my eyes are stinging and I need an early night.
Besides, I've been invited to a Trivia Night on Friday, where the trivia topic is pirates. I have to get plenty of rest...
Driving back from Adelaide can be spectacular when the canola and Patterson's curse are both in flower --- big squares of gold next to clouds of purple.
Hello from Texas! I was driving home from a writers conference last week and came around the corner to find spectacular fields of solid white. Looked like snow had blanketed everything. It was the first time I'd ever seen a fully ripe, ready to harvest cotton field. Nature can be so renewing to the writer's mind.
Nature is the best thing writers have for renewal, I think. Colour and life - nothing cheers me up more than watching half a dozen fairy and blue wrens squabbling and flitting around like big butterflies.
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