Thursday, April 19, 2007

A couple of good blogs/sites

There's nothing I like more than to spend a little time (not too much) following interesting links on the internet and finding new sites and blogs.
Julius Lester is a terrific writer whose book "When Dad Killed Mom" is one of my favourite middle grade novels. He has a regular blog, but this one:
is an offshoot, just one entry where he talks about the importance of children's and YA books, and how it is possible to change a child's or teenager's life with a book. He also talks about the concerted efforts of many adults to control what kids read.
The other thing I found is a website devoted to Australian crime fiction, which also includes an online crime fiction magazine (short stories). For someone like me, who likes to use the library to try out new writers, this site is going to be very useful.

1 comment:

Tracey said...

Sounds like a good excuse to write some more crime short stories!