Wednesday, October 05, 2016

Professional Writing students talk ...

This year, our Diploma nonfiction students were set a task - write about five things you've learned about writing. In other words, a listicle. I think they make interesting reading! So I'm posting a few (with their permission). The answers are not always what you expect ... :-)


Five things I've learnt about writing. Funny, could say the same about meditation
Recently, I wrote about meditation - have been thinking about it ever since. And now, as I open my
eyes, groan and untangle my creaking legs, it strikes me: meditation and writing share much in

Skip the light fandango
Before formal study, I imagined writing simply a matter of tapping into a well of creativity. In no
time, I'd, 'skip the light fandango, doing cartwheels across the floor'. Meditation, or so I mistakenly
once thought, involved endless encounters with the numinous. In reality, meditation and writing are
mundane, hard-work. Think sitting down and laying bricks. Don't say you weren't warned: a sore
back and frustration are more likely than finding God or muse.

Thankfully, both activities improve with practice. Words, sentences and ideas begin to flow if
writing is routine. Practise meditation daily, and body and mind become softer.

Yes, there are moments ... ignore them
It does happen. There are pieces of my writing, possibly just a sentence, that still move me. And
there have been occasions when I've ended meditation feeling renewed as the world seemed to pulse
with wonder. Life-long meditators call this an obstacle. The writer's reminder to avoid attachmentgoes something like this: 'round the corner from feeling puffed-up with pride about an article, or the number of Facebook Likes, is the next piece. And as I've discovered, there's an even-money chance, it'll be shit.

Going La-La
Agonising over every word - or, for the zillionth time - returning to the sensation of breathing takes
its toll. Both meditation and writing fail if they're reduced to a military-style exercise. Going La-
La helps. Tackling a short story - even better, a poem - enlivens my professional writing. When
meditation grows mundane, I listen to a podcast. 'Meditation for loneliness'. 'Chakra meditation'.
Don't you just love hippies; even the titles have me laughing.

Then why do it?
There's a reason why I meditate - and write. My life is better off for it. Both attend to my thoughts
and emotions. And, believe it or not, both boost confidence. Cliched, I know: introspection and
quietness build self-trust. And a deep appreciation of life.
I'll continue to complain about sore knees and embarrassing writing that doesn't work. Stop
meditation or writing? I couldn't, even if I tried.


Five things I’ve learnt from my writing course:

1. Grammar and punctuation is way harder than you’re led to believe in your early education life. I bet you think you know exactly how to use commas and semicolons right? How hard could it be? Very hard is the answer. There is a proper place to put everything and just because you think it fits there best is not a good enough reason.

2. You can’t write a chapter the day before it’s due and feel good about yourself. The work will be bad and you’ll have stressed yourself out to the point of contemplating dropping out. Do yourself a favour and plan out your work.

3. The first story you write is not as good as you think it is. In fact, it’s pretty terrible. But keep it anyway, the idea and premise of it could help you out later with other stories.

4. Teachers will tell you every writer has a way of doing things and they go at their own pace. That’s all well and good but unfortunately it does not apply to you, yet. You have assignments to do and requirements to meet. They education system does not cater to your own writing habits. Even though you are in a writing course.

5. Having your worked critiqued will eventually become easier. You’ll learn not to take things personally and take on the suggestions. This will take time and practise so try not to stress too much.

More coming soon!

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